The past three days have been both exciting and exhausting thus no new posts. So, let's get everyone caught up as quickly as possible;
Tuesday - spent the entire morning with Jason, the Stage Director of The Globe, who took us on a private tour of the theater; both inside and out. We explored every nook and cranny literally from Hell to Heavan (pics and video below). If that wasn't excitement for one day, we then attended the premier of Macbeth that night on the very stage we spent the morning on. What an incredible production, cast, etc! In fact, not only were they a great company on stage but great people off stage, as many of them took a few moments to speak with us at The Swan Lake Bar afterwards!
Wednesday - as many of you may know, the 400th anniversary or Shakespeare's death is two years away, and London has yet to really embrace or immortalize Shakespeare, his works, and his literary contributions. In fact, if it wasn't for Sam Wanamaker, an American direct and actor mind you, Shakespeare's Globe would not have been built in 1997. Rest in peace Sam and thank you! Consequently, we scoured the city for plagues, sculptures, etc. honoring Shakespeare and what we found was pretty scarce.Later that evening, we went to see Daniel Radcliffe in The Cripple of Inishmaan . . . such an incredible show! To continue our hobnobbing trend from the prior night, we waited at the back door afterwards and Lauren took a great pic of Harry Potter himself (see last pic).
Thursday - today was more of a relaxing day as we were introduced to the costume design process at Shakespeare's Globe . . . oddest fact that we can recall is that the seamstress' go to great lengths to hand make all the costumes using the original process from the 16 and 17th Century as well any original materials still available to them! Wow; that is some impressive dedication. We also did more work on language and vocal exercises.
Sorry for any repeated pics . . . blog not playing nice . . . ah videos not uploaded as well . . . will try later
The attention to detail is amazing! The wait for a blog update was worth it with these pictures :)